v. 25B6; verb
the paintwork has faded : BECOME PALE, become bleached, become washed out, lose colour, discolour; grow dull, grow dim, lose lustre.
sunlight had faded the picture : BLEACH, wash out, make pale, blanch, whiten.
remove the flower heads as they fade : WITHER, wilt, droop, shrivel, die.
the afternoon light began to fade : (GROW) DIM, grow faint, fail, dwindle, die away, wane, disappear, vanish, decline, melt away; poetic/literary evanesce.
the Communist movement was fading away : DECLINE, die out, diminish, deteriorate, decay, crumble, collapse, fail, fall, sink, slump, go downhill; informal go to pot, go to the dogs; archaic retrograde.
brighten, increase.