Meaning of GOD in English

n. 25B6; noun

a gift from God : THE LORD, the Almighty, the Creator, the Maker, the Godhead; Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh; (God) the Father, (God) the Son, the Holy Ghost/Spirit, the Holy Trinity. See list.

sacrifices to appease the gods : DEITY, goddess, divine being, celestial being, divinity, immortal, avatar. See list.

wooden gods : IDOL, graven image, icon, totem, talisman, fetish, juju.

divine, theo-.

Names for God

Adonai the Holy Ghost

Allah the Holy Spirit

the Almighty the Holy Trinity

Alpha and Omega Jah

the Ancient of Days Jehovah

the Creator the King of Kings

the Deity the Lord

the Divine the Lord of Lords

Elohim the Maker

the Eternal Our Father

the Father the Prime Mover

the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Shaddai

the First Cause the Supreme Being

God Almighty the Trinity

the Godhead Yahweh

Gods and Goddesses

Greek Bastet

Aeolus Behdety

Aphrodite Bes

Apollo Buto

Ares Geb

Artemis Hapi

Asclepius Harakhtes

Athene/Athena Harmakhis

Bacchus Haroeris

Boreas Harsaphes

Cronus/Kronos Harsiesis

Cybele Hathor

Demeter Heket

Dionysus Horus

Eos Imhotep

Eros Isis

Gaia Khenty-Imentiu

Hades Khonsu

Hebe Khepera

Hecate Khnum

Helios Maat

Hephaestus Mertseger

Hera Meskhent

Hermes Min

Hestia Mont

Hyperion Mut

Hypnos Nefertum

Iris Neheh

Leto Nekhbet

Nemesis Nephthys

Nereus Nun

Nike Nut

Oceanus Opet

Pan Osiris

Persephone Ptah

Pluto Ra

Pollux Renenet

Pontus Renpet

Poseidon Sati

Priapus Sebek

Proteus Seker

Rhea Sekhmet

Selene Selket

Silenus Serapis

Tethys Sesheta

Thanatos Seth

Themis Shai

Uranus Shu

Zeus Taueret

Roman Tefnut

Aesculapius Thoth

Aurora Upuaut

Bellona Middle Eastern

Ceres Adad

Cupid Anu

Diana Ashur

Faunus Astarte/Ashtoreth

Flora Attis

Janus Baal

Juno Baalat

Jupiter Belili

Juventas Cybele

Maia Ea

Mars Enlil

Mercury Ishtar

Minerva Marduk

Morpheus Mot

Mors Ninurta

Neptune Shamash

Ops Sin

Pomona Hindu

Priapus Aditi

Proserpina Agni

Quirinus Bhairavi

Saturn Brahma

Sol Devi

Somnus Durga

Terminus Ganesh

Venus Hanuman

Vesta Indra

Vulcan Jagannatha/Juggernaut

Norse Kali

Aegir Kama

Aesir, the Kartikeya

Alcis Krishna

Balder Lakshmi

Bragi Maruts, the

Eir Mitra

Frey Parvati

Freya Prajapati

Frigga Puchan

Gerda Radha

Gullveig Rama

Heimdall Rudra

Hel Sakti

Hermod Sarasvati

Hödur Savitar

Hoenir Shiva/Siva

Idun Skanda

Lofri Soma

Loki Surya

Mimir Tvashtar

Nehalennia Uma

Nerthus Ushas

Njörd Varuna

Norns Vata

Odin Vishnu

Sif Yama

Skuld Aztec

Thor Camaxtli

Tyr Chalchiuhtlicue

Ull Chicomecoatl

Urd Cihuatcoatl

Vanir, the Coatlicue

Verdandi Huitzilopochtli

Vidar Meztli

Celtic Mictlancihuatl

Áine Mictlantecuhtli

Ana/Anu Quetzalcoatl

Bébinn Tenochtitlan

Belenus Tezcatlipoca

Bendigeidfran Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli

Boand/Boanna Tlaloc

Borvo Tlazolteotl

Brân Llyr Tonatiuh

Branwen Tzinteotl

Brigit Xilonen

Caturix Xiuhtecuhtli

Cernunnos Xochipili

Clídna/Clíona Xochiquetzal

Dagda, the Xolotl

Danu/Dana Yacatecuhtli

Dian Cécht Mayan

Dôn Acat

Donn Akua

Eochaid Bacab

Epona Backlum-Chaam

Ériu Chin

Esus Cukulcan

Fódla Echua

Gobniu Hapikern

Llyr Hunab Ku

Ludd/Nudd Itzamna

Lug Lámfhota Ixazaluoh

Macha Kinebahan

Manannan Nohochacyum

Maponos Usukun

Morrigan Uyitzin

Nechtan Xamaniqinqu

Nuadu/Nuada Airgetlám Yantho

Ogmios Yuncemil

Pwyll Inca

Rhiannon Apu-Punchau

Sucellus Catequil

Taranis Chasca

Teutates Choun

Tuatha Dé Danann Cuycha

Egyptian Inti

Ament Mama-Cocha

Amun Mama-Cuna

Anhur Mama-Quilla

Anquet Manco-Capac

Anubis Nina

Apis Pachacamac

Apopis Pachamama

Aten Viracocha


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