v. 25B6; verb
Sally indulged her passion for long walks : SATISFY, gratify, fulfil, feed, accommodate; yield to, give in to, give way to.
she indulged in a fit of sulks : WALLOW IN, give oneself up to, give way to, yield to, abandon oneself to, give free rein to; luxuriate in, revel in, lose oneself in.
she did not like her children to be indulged : PAMPER, spoil, overindulge, coddle, mollycoddle, cosset, baby, pet, spoon-feed, feather-bed, wrap in cotton wool; pander to, wait on hand and foot, cater to someone's every whim, kill with kindness; archaic cocker.
25A0; indulge oneself TREAT ONESELF, give oneself a treat; have a spree, splash out; informal go to town, splurge.