n. 25B6; adjective
he was entirely innocent : GUILTLESS, blameless, in the clear, unimpeachable, irreproachable, above suspicion, faultless; honourable, honest, upright, law-abiding; informal squeaky clean.
innocent fun : HARMLESS, innocuous, safe, inoffensive.
nice innocent girls : VIRTUOUS, pure, moral, decent, righteous, upright, wholesome; demure, modest, chaste, virginal; impeccable, spotless, sinless, unsullied, incorrupt, undefiled; informal squeaky clean, whiter than white.
she is innocent of guile : FREE FROM, without, lacking (in), clear of, ignorant of, unaware of, untouched by; poetic/literary nescient of.
innocent foreigners : NAIVE, ingenuous, trusting, credulous, unsuspicious, unwary, unguarded; impressionable, gullible, easily led; inexperienced, unworldly, unsophisticated, green; simple, artless, guileless; informal wet behind the ears, born yesterday.
guilty, sinful, worldly, malignant.
25B6; noun an innocent in a strange land : INGéNUE, unworldly person; child; novice; N. Amer. informal greenhorn; poetic/literary babe in arms.