adj. 25B6; adjective
she was insensible on the floor : UNCONSCIOUS, insensate, senseless, insentient, inert, comatose, knocked out, passed out, blacked out; stunned, numb, numbed; informal out (cold), out for the count, out of it, zonked (out), dead to the world; Brit. informal spark out.
he was insensible to the risks : UNAWARE OF, ignorant of, unconscious of, unmindful of, oblivious to; indifferent to, impervious to, deaf to, blind to, unaffected by; informal in the dark about.
he scared even the most insensible person : INSENSITIVE, dispassionate, cool, emotionless, unfeeling, unconcerned, detached, indifferent, hardened, tough; informal hard-boiled.
conscious, aware, sensitive.