[in.sen.si.ble] adj [ME, fr. MF & L; MF, fr. L insensibilis, fr. in- + sensibilis sensible] (14c) 1: imperceptible "dampened by an ~ dew"; broadly: slight, gradual "~ motion"
2: incapable or bereft of feeling or sensation: as a: not endowed with life or spirit: insentient "~ earth" b: unconscious "knocked ~ by a sudden blow" c: lacking sensory perception or ability to react "~ to pain" 3 a: lacking emotional response: apathetic, indifferent "~ to fear" b: unaware "~ of their danger"
4. archaic: stupid, senseless
5: not intelligible: meaningless
6: lacking delicacy or refinement -- in.sen.si.bil.i.ty n -- in.sen.si.ble.ness n -- in.sen.si.bly adv