n. 25B6; determiner did you get much help? : A LOT OF, a great/good deal of, a great/large amount of, plenty of, ample, copious, abundant, plentiful, considerable; informal lots of, loads of, heaps of, masses of, tons of.
25B6; adverb
it didn't hurt much : GREATLY, to a great extent/degree, a great deal, a lot, considerably, appreciably.
does he come here much? : OFTEN, frequently, many times, repeatedly, regularly, habitually, routinely, usually, normally, commonly; informal a lot.
25B6; pronoun he did so much for our team : A LOT, a great/good deal, plenty; informal lots, loads, heaps, masses.
25A0; much of a muchness (informal) VERY SIMILAR, much the same, very alike, practically identical.