n. 25B6; verb
she neglected the children : FAIL TO LOOK AFTER, leave alone, abandon; poetic/literary forsake.
he's neglecting his work : PAY NO ATTENTION TO, let slide, not attend to, be remiss about, be lax about, leave undone, shirk.
don't neglect our advice : DISREGARD, ignore, pay no attention to, take no notice of, pay no heed to, overlook; disdain, scorn, spurn.
I neglected to inform her : FAIL, omit, forget.
cherish, heed, remember.
25B6; noun
the place had an air of neglect : DISREPAIR, dilapidation, deterioration, shabbiness, disuse, abandonment.
her doctor was guilty of neglect : NEGLIGENCE, dereliction of duty, remissness, carelessness, heedlessness, unconcern, laxity, slackness, irresponsibility; formal delinquency.
the relative neglect of women : DISREGARD, ignoring, overlooking; inattention to, indifference to, heedlessness to.
care, attention.