n. 25B6; noun
a pit in the ground : HOLE, ditch, trench, trough, hollow, excavation, cavity, crater, pothole; shaft, mineshaft.
pit closures : COAL MINE, colliery, quarry.
the pits in her skin : POCKMARK, pock, hollow, indentation, depression, dent, dint, dimple.
25B6; verb
his skin had been pitted by acne : MARK, pockmark, scar, blemish, disfigure.
raindrops pitted the bare earth : MAKE HOLES IN, make hollows in, dent, indent, dint.
25A0; pit someone/something against SET AGAINST, match against, put in opposition to, put in competition with; compete with, contend with, vie with, wrestle with.
25A0; the pits (informal) THE WORST, the lowest of the low; rock bottom, extremely bad, awful, terrible, dreadful, deplorable; informal appalling, lousy, abysmal, dire; Brit. informal chronic.