n. 25B6; verb Jim punched him in the face : HIT, strike, thump, jab, smash, welt, cuff, clip; batter, buffet, pound, pummel; informal sock, slug, biff, bop, wallop, clobber, bash, whack, thwack, clout, lam, whomp; Brit. informal stick one on, dot, slosh; N. Amer. informal boff, bust; Austral./NZ informal quilt; poetic/literary smite.
25B6; noun
a punch on the nose : BLOW, hit, knock, thump, box, jab, clip, welt; uppercut, hook; informal sock, slug, biff, bop, wallop, bash, whack, clout, belt; N. Amer. informal boff, bust; dated buffet.
the album is full of punch : VIGOUR, liveliness, vitality, drive, strength, zest, verve, enthusiasm; impact, bite, kick; informal oomph, zing.