n. 25B6; verb stop it, you're scaring me : FRIGHTEN, startle, alarm, terrify, petrify, unnerve, intimidate, terrorize, cow; strike terror into, put the fear of God into, chill someone to the bone/marrow, make someone's blood run cold; informal frighten/scare the living daylights out of, scare stiff, frighten/scare someone out of their wits, scare witless, frighten/scare to death, scare the pants off, make someone's hair stand on end, throw into a blue funk, make someone jump out of their skin; Brit. informal put the wind up, make someone's hair curl; N. Amer. informal spook; Irish informal scare the bejesus out of; archaic affright.
25B6; noun you gave me a scarehow did you get here? : FRIGHT, shock, start, turn, jump.