v. 1 frighten, alarm, startle, shock, dismay, daunt, appal, give (someone) a shock or a fright, terrify, terrorize, threaten, menace, cow, intimidate, horrify, US and Canadian spook, Colloq scare the pants off, scare the life or the living daylights or the hell out of, scare out of one's wits, make one's hair stand on end, make one's flesh creep or crawl, give one goose bumps or goose-pimples, US scare the bejesus out of, Taboo slang scare or frighten the shit out of, scare shitless, US scare shitty A sudden noise scared me, and I ran out of the cave as fast as I could 2 scare up. scrape together or up, find, gather, collect, raise, dig up, get, come by, scrounge (up) I can't scare up that much money in one day!
n. 3 fright, shock, surprise, start I had a terrible scare when I saw what I thought was blood