n. 25B6; noun
a science teacher. : See list.
the science of criminology : BRANCH OF KNOWLEDGE, body of knowledge/information, area of study, discipline, field.
Branches of Science
See also engineering , geography , mathematical , medicine , psychology . marine biology
acoustics mathematics
aerodynamics mechanics
agriscience medical physics
anatomy medicine
anthropology metallurgy
astronomy meteorology
astrophysics microbiology
atomic physics mineralogy
bacteriology molecular biology
behavioural science mycology
biochemistry natural history
biology nephology
botany neurology
chemistry neuroscience
climatology nuclear chemistry
computer science nuclear physics
conchology oceanography
cosmology oncology
cryogenics ophthalmology
crystallography optics
cybernetics ornithology
cytology palaeobotany
dendrology palaeoclimatology
dynamics palaeontology
earth science palynology
ecology parasitology
economics particle physics
electrical engineering pathology
electrodynamics pedology
electronics petrology
endocrinology pharmacology
engineering photochemistry
entomology physics
epidemiology physiography
ethnology physiology
ethology phytology
evolutionary psychology phytopathology
exobiology psychiatry
fluid mechanics psychology
forensics quantum mechanics
genetic engineering radiochemistry
genetics radiology
geochemistry robotics
geochronology seismology
geography sociobiology
geology sociology
geomorphology soil science
geophysics spectroscopy
glaciology statistics
haematology stratigraphy
herpetology taxonomy
histology tectonics
holography thermodynamics
hydrodynamics toxicology
hydrology veterinary medicine
hydrostatics virology
ichthyology vulcanology
immunology zoogeography
information technology zoology
limnology zymurgy