Meaning of SHOOT in English

n. 25B6; verb

they shot him in the street : GUN DOWN, mow down, hit, wound, injure; put a bullet in, pick off, bag, fell, kill; informal pot, blast, pump full of lead, plug.

they shot at the enemy : FIRE, open fire, aim, snipe, let fly; bombard, shell.

faster than a gun can shoot bullets : DISCHARGE, fire, launch, loose off, let fly, emit.

a car shot past : RACE, speed, flash, dash, dart, rush, hurtle, streak, whizz, go like lightning, go hell for leather, zoom, charge; career, sweep, fly, wing; informal belt, scoot, scorch, tear, zip, whip, step on it, burn rubber; Brit. informal bomb, bucket, shift; N. Amer. informal clip, hightail it, barrel.

the plant failed to shoot : SPROUT, bud, burgeon, germinate.

the film was shot in Tunisia : FILM, photograph, take, snap, capture, record; televise, video.

25B6; noun nip off the new shoots : SPROUT, bud, offshoot, scion, sucker, spear, runner, tendril, sprig.

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