n. 25B6; adjective
she made sure he was unconscious : INSENSIBLE, senseless, insentient, insensate, comatose, inert, knocked out, stunned; motionless, immobile, prostrate; informal out cold, out for the count, dead to the world; Brit. informal spark out.
she was unconscious of the pain : HEEDLESS, unmindful, disregarding, oblivious to, insensible to, impervious to, unaffected by, unconcerned by, indifferent to; unaware, unknowing.
an unconscious desire : SUBCONSCIOUS, latent, suppressed, subliminal, sleeping, inherent, instinctive, involuntary, uncontrolled, spontaneous; unintentional, unthinking, unwitting, inadvertent; informal gut.
aware, voluntary.
25B6; noun fantasies raging in the unconscious : SUBCONSCIOUS, psyche, ego, id, inner self.