I. un ‧ con ‧ scious 1 /ʌnˈkɒnʃəs $ -ˈkɑːn-/ BrE AmE adjective
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ subconscious , ↑ unconscious , ↑ consciousness , ↑ unconsciousness ; adverb : ↑ subconsciously , ↑ consciously ≠ ↑ unconsciously ; adjective : ↑ conscious ≠ ↑ unconscious , ↑ subconscious ]
1 . unable to see, move, feel etc in the normal way because you are not conscious:
She was found alive but unconscious.
knock/beat somebody unconscious
Levin was knocked unconscious by the impact.
2 . a feeling or thought that is unconscious is one that you have without realizing it ⇨ subconscious
unconscious feeling/desire/need etc
an unconscious need to be loved
3 . be unconscious of something to not realize the effect of something you have said or done:
Doreen appeared to be unconscious of the amusement she had caused.
4 . an action that is unconscious is not deliberate
—unconsciously adverb
—unconsciousness noun [uncountable]
II. unconscious 2 BrE AmE noun
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ subconscious , ↑ unconscious , ↑ consciousness , ↑ unconsciousness ; adverb : ↑ subconsciously , ↑ consciously ≠ ↑ unconsciously ; adjective : ↑ conscious ≠ ↑ unconscious , ↑ subconscious ]
the/sb’s unconscious the part of your mind in which there are thoughts and feelings that you do not realize you have ⇨ subconscious