Meaning of COMMIT in English

■ verb ( ~s , ~ting , ~ted )

1》 perpetrate or carry out (a mistake, crime, or immoral act).

2》 pledge or bind to a course, policy, or use.

↘[often as adjective ~ted ] dedicate to a cause: a ~ted Christian.

↘( be ~ted to ) be in a long-term emotional relationship with.

3》 transfer for safe keeping or permanent preservation.

↘send to prison or psychiatric hospital, or for trial in a higher court.

4》 refer (a parliamentary or legislative bill) to a ~tee.


~table adjective

~ter noun


ME: from L. ~tere 'join, entrust' (in med. L. 'put into custody'), from com- 'with' + mittere 'put or send'.

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.