v.tr. (committed, committing)
1. (usu. foll. by to) entrust or consign for: a safe keeping (I commit him to your care). b treatment, usu. destruction (committed the book to the flames).
2 perpetrate, do (esp. a crime, sin, or blunder).
3 pledge, involve, or bind (esp. oneself) to a certain course or policy (does not like committing herself; committed by the vow he had made).
4 (as committed adj.) (often foll. by to) a morally dedicated or politically aligned (a committed Christian; committed to the cause; a committed socialist). b obliged (to take certain action) (felt committed to staying there).
5 Polit. refer (a bill etc.) to a committee.
Phrases and idioms:
commit to memory memorize. commit to prison consign officially to custody, esp. on remand.
committable adj. committer n.
Etymology: ME f. L committere join, entrust (as COM-, mittere miss- send)