
Meaning of -I in English

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■ suffix forming the plural:

1》 of nouns adopted from Latin ending in -us : foci.

2》 of nouns adopted from Italian ending in -e or -o : dilettanti.


Many nouns derived from a foreign language retain their foreign plural, at least when they first enter English and particularly if they belong to a specialist field. Over time, it is normal for a word in general use to acquire a regular English plural. This may coexist with the foreign plural (e.g. cactus , plural cacti or cactuses ) or it may actually oust a foreign plural ( octopus , plural octopuses rather than octopodes ).


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■ suffix forming adjectives from place names in the Near or Middle East: Azerbaijani.


from Semitic and Indo-Iranian adjective endings.

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.