~ 1
■ noun
1》 a parasitic or predatory annelid worm with suckers at both ends, examples of which were formerly used in medicine for bloodletting. [ Hirudo medicinalis ( medicinal ~ ) and other species, class Hirudinea.]
2》 a person who extorts profit from or lives off others.
■ verb ( ~ on/off ) habitually exploit or rely on.
like a ~ very closely or persistently.
OE lce , lȳce .
~ 2
■ noun archaic a doctor or healer.
~craft noun
OE lce , of Gmc origin.
~ 3
■ noun Sailing the after or leeward edge of a fore-and-aft sail, the leeward edge of a spinnaker, or a vertical edge of a square sail.
C15: prob. of Scand. origin and related to Swed. lik and Dan. lig .