Meaning of MASH in English

■ verb

1》 reduce (a food or other substance) to a pulpy mass by crushing it.

↘ US & W. Indian informal press forcefully on.

2》 (in brewing) mix (powdered malt) with hot water to form wort.

3》 N. English (with reference to tea) brew or infuse.

■ noun

1》 a soft mass made by crushing a substance into a pulp.

↘ Brit. informal boiled and ~ed potatoes.

2》 bran mixed with hot water, given as a warm food to horses.

3》 (in brewing) a mixture of powdered malt and hot water, which is left standing until the sugars dissolve to form the wort.


OE māsc (used as a brewing term), of W. Gmc origin.

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