Meaning of PEN in English

~ 1

■ noun

1》 an instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylon tip, fitted into a metal or plastic holder.

↘( the ~ ) writing as an occupation.

↘an electronic device used in conjunction with a writing surface to enter commands or data into a computer.

2》 Zoology the tapering cartilaginous internal shell of a squid.

■ verb ( ~s , ~ning , ~ned ) write or compose.


~ and ink Brit. rhyming slang a stink.


ME (orig. denoting a feather with a shar~ed quill): from OFr. ~ne , from L. ~na 'feather'.


~ 2

■ noun

1》 a small enclosure in which sheep, pigs, or other farm animals are kept.

2》 a covered dock for a submarine or other warship.

3》 (in the West Indies) a farm or plantation.

■ verb ( ~s , ~ning , ~ned )

1》 put or keep in a ~.

2》 ( ~ someone up/in ) confine someone in a restricted space.


OE ~n , of unknown origin.


~ 3

■ noun a female swan.


C16: of unknown origin.


~ 4

■ noun N. Amer. informal short for ~itentiary (in sense 1).

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.