Meaning of POKE in English

~ 1

■ verb

1》 jab or prod with a finger or a sharp object.

↘prod and stir (a fire) with a ~r to make it burn more fiercely.

2》 ( ~ about/around ) look or search around a place.

3》 (often ~ out ) thrust out or protrude in a particular direction.

■ noun

1》 an act of poking.

2》 Brit. informal power or acceleration in a car.

3》 (also ~ bonnet ) a woman's bonnet with a projecting brim or front, popular in the early 19th century.


~ fun at tease or make fun of.

~ one's nose into informal take an intrusive interest in.

take a ~ at informal hit, punch, or criticize (someone).


ME: origin uncertain.


~ 2

■ noun chiefly Scottish a bag or small sack.

↘ US informal a purse or wallet.


ME: from Old North. Fr. ~ , var. of OFr. poche 'pocket'; cf. pouch .

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