Meaning of POT in English

~ 1

■ noun

1》 a rounded or cylindrical container used for storage or cooking.

↘a container designed to hold a particular substance: a coffee ~.

↘a flower~.

2》 ( the ~ ) the total sum of the bets made on a round in poker, brag, etc.

3》 informal a prize in a sporting contest, especially a silver cup.

4》 informal a ~ belly.

5》 informal an engine cylinder.

6》 Billiards & Snooker a shot in which a player strikes a ball into a pocket.

■ verb ( ~s , ~ting , ~ted )

1》 plant in a ~.

↘( ~ something on ) transplant a plant from a smaller ~ to a larger one.

↘( ~ something up ) transplant a seedling into a flower~.

2》 preserve (food) in a sealed ~ or jar.

3》 Billiards & Snooker strike (a ball) into a pocket.

4》 informal hit or kill by shooting.

5》 make ~tery.

6》 Brit. sit (a young child) on a ~ty.

7》 encapsulate (an electrical component or circuit) in a liquid insulating material which sets solid.


go to ~ informal deteriorate through neglect.

the ~ calling the kettle black used to convey that the criticisms a person is aiming at someone could equally well apply to themselves.


~ful noun ( plural ~fuls ).


OE ~t , prob. reinforced in ME by OFr. ~ ; of unknown ultimate origin.


~ 2

■ noun informal cannabis.


1930s: prob. from Mex. Sp. ~iguaya 'cannabis leaves'.


~ 3

■ noun

1》 a ~shot.

2》 (chiefly in rugby) an attempt to score a goal with a kick.

■ verb ( ~s , ~ting , ~ted ) score (a goal).


1950s: abbrev. of ~shot .


~ 4

■ noun short for ~entiometer .

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