[ 'ʃʌf(ə)l ]
■ verb
1》 walk by dragging one's feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground.
↘restlessly shift one's position.
↘( ~ something off/~ out of something ) get out of or avoid a responsibility or obligation.
2》 rearrange (a pack of cards) by sliding them over each other quickly.
↘( ~ through ) sort or look through (a number of things) hurriedly.
3》 move (people or things) around into different positions or a different order.
■ noun
1》 a shuffling movement, walk, or sound.
↘a quick dragging or scraping movement of the feet in dancing.
↘a dance performed with such steps.
2》 an act of shuffling a pack of cards.
3》 a change of order or relative positions; a re~.
4》 a facility on a CD player for playing tracks in an arbitrary order.
5》 archaic a piece of equivocation or subterfuge.
~r noun
C16: perh. from Low Ger. schuffeln 'walk clumsily', also 'deal dishonestly, ~ (cards)', of Gmc origin; related to shove and scuffle .