Meaning of SHUFFLE in English


Pronunciation: ' sh ə -f ə l

Function: verb

Inflected Form: shuf · fled ; shuf · fling \ -f( ə -)li ŋ \

Etymology: perhaps irregular from 1 shove

Date: 1570

transitive verb

1 : to mix in a mass confusedly : JUMBLE

2 : to put or thrust aside or under cover < shuffled the whole matter out of his mind>

3 a : to rearrange (as playing cards, dominoes, or tiles) to produce a random order b : to move about, back and forth, or from one place to another : SHIFT < shuffle funds among various accounts>

4 a : to move (as the feet) by sliding along or back and forth without lifting b : to perform (as a dance) with a dragging, sliding step

intransitive verb

1 : to work into or out of trickily < shuffled out of the difficulty>

2 : to act or speak in a shifty or evasive manner

3 a : to move or walk in a sliding dragging manner without lifting the feet b : to dance in a lazy nonchalant manner with sliding and tapping motions of the feet c : to execute in a perfunctory or clumsy manner

4 : to mix playing cards or counters by shuffling

– shuf · fler \ -f( ə -)l ə r \ noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.