Meaning of SPOON in English

■ noun

1》 an implement consisting of a small, shallow oval or round bowl on a long handle, used for eating, stirring, and serving food.

↘( ~s ) a pair of ~s held in the hand and beaten together rhythmically as a percussion instrument.

2》 (also ~ bait ) a fishing lure designed to wobble when pulled through the water.

3》 an oar with a broad curved blade.

■ verb

1》 transfer with a ~.

2》 informal, dated (of two people) behave in an amorous way.

↘lie close together sideways and front to back, so as to fit together like ~s.

3》 hit (a ball) up into the air with a soft or weak stroke.


~er noun

~ful noun ( plural ~fuls ).


OE spōn 'chip of wood', of Gmc origin; related to Ger. Span 'shaving'.

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