transcription, транскрипция: [ ̈ɪspu:n ]
n. & v. --n. 1 a a utensil consisting of an oval or round bowl and a handle for conveying food (esp. liquid) to the mouth, for stirring, etc. b a spoonful, esp. of sugar. c (in pl.) Mus. a pair of spoons held in the hand and beaten together rhythmically. 2 a spoon-shaped thing, esp.: a (in full spoon-bait) a bright revolving piece of metal used as a lure in fishing. b an oar with a broad curved blade. c a wooden-headed golf club. 3 colloq. a a silly or demonstratively fond lover. b a simpleton. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by up, out) take (liquid etc.) with a spoon. 2 tr. hit (a ball) feebly upwards. 3 colloq. a intr. behave in an amorous way, esp. foolishly. b tr. archaic woo in a silly or sentimental way. 4 intr. fish with a spoon-bait. øborn with a silver spoon in one's mouth born in affluence. spoon-bread US soft maize bread. øøspooner n. spoonful n. (pl. -fuls). [OE spon chip of wood f. Gmc]