~ 1
■ noun
1》 the main stem of a herbaceous plant.
↘the attachment or support of a leaf, flower, or fruit.
2》 a similar support for a sessile animal, or for an organ in an animal.
3》 a slender support or stem.
4》 (in a vehicle) a lever on the steering column controlling the indicators, lights, etc.
-~ed adjective
~less adjective
~-like adjective
~y adjective
ME: prob. a dimin. of dialect stale 'rung of a ladder, long handle'.
~ 2
■ verb
1》 pursue or approach stealthily.
↘harass or persecute with unwanted and obsessive attention.
↘ chiefly literary move silently or threateningly through.
2》 stride in a proud, stiff, or angry manner.
■ noun
1》 a stealthy pursuit.
2》 a stiff, striding gait.
~er noun
OE -stealcian (in bistealcian 'walk cautiously or stealthily'), of Gmc origin; related to steal .