[stalk] n [ME stalke; akin to OE stela stalk, support] (14c) 1: a slender upright object or supporting or connecting part; esp: peduncle "the ~ of a crinoid"
2. a: the main stem of an herbaceous plant often with its dependent parts b: a part of a plant (as a petiole, stipe, or peduncle) that supports another -- stalked adj -- stalk.less adj -- stalky adj
[2]stalk vb [ME, fr. OE bestealcian; akin to OE stelan to steal--more at steal] vi (14c) 1: to pursue quarry or prey stealthily
2: to walk stiffly or haughtily ~ vt 1: to pursue by stalking
2: to go through (an area) in search of prey or quarry "~ the woods for deer" -- stalk.er n [3]stalk n (14c) 1: the act of stalking
2: a stalking gait