Meaning of STEM in English

~ 1

■ noun

1》 the main body or stalk of a plant or shrub.

↘the stalk supporting a fruit, flower, or leaf, and attaching it to a larger branch, twig, or stalk.

2》 a long, thin supportive or main section of something, such as that of a wine glass or tobacco pipe.

3》 a rod or cylinder in a mechanism.

4》 a vertical stroke in a letter or musical note.

5》 Grammar the root or main part of a word, to which inflections or formative elements are added.

6》 the main upright timber or metal piece at the bow of a ship.

7》 archaic or literary the main line of descent of a family or nation.

■ verb ( ~s , ~ming , ~med )

1》 ( ~ from ) originate in or be caused by.

2》 remove the ~s from (fruit or tobacco leaves).

3》 (of a boat) make headway against (the tide or current).


from ~ to stern from one end to the other, especially of a ship.


~med adjective

~less adjective


OE ~n , stefn , of Gmc origin.


~ 2

■ verb ( ~s , ~ming , ~med )

1》 stop or restrict (the flow of something).

2》 Skiing slide the tail of one ski or both skis outwards in order to turn or slow down.


ME: from ON ~ma , of Gmc origin; the skiing term is from the Ger. verb ~men .

Concise Oxford English vocab.      Сжатый оксфордский словарь английского языка.