■ noun
1》 any of the five digits at the end of the human foot.
↘any of the digits of the foot of a quadruped or bird.
2》 the lower end, tip, or point of something.
↘the tip of the head of a golf club.
■ verb ( ~s , ~ing , ~d )
1》 push, touch, or kick with one's ~s.
↘ Golf strike (the ball) with the ~ of the club.
2》 ( ~ in/out ) walk with the ~s pointed in (or out).
↘(of a pair of wheels) converge (or diverge) slightly at the front.
make someone's ~s curl informal bring about an extreme reaction of delight or disgust in someone.
on one's ~s ready and alert.
~ the line comply with authority, especially under pressure.
turn up one's ~s informal die.
~d adjective
~less adjective
OE tā , of Gmc origin.