[Latvian] Auseklis (ausma, "dawn"; aust "to dawn") is a Latvian stellar (masculine) god. In astronomic interpretations usually understood as planet Venus (there is proof that Venus was called Lielais Auseklis - the Great Auseklis). He is connected with Meness (the moon), but also with Saule (the sun). In the myth of the heavenly wedding, he is one of the suitors of Saules meitas (along with Dieva deli, Meness, and other gods), but in some versions he is just one of the bride's party. He might also be the only suitor, the mythic material is not clear enough because there is also a great number of texts with an obscure hint to Auseklis as the original bridegroom of Sun's daughter, which is later stolen by Meness (Moon), in turn being punished by Saule or Perkons. There are other motives in which Auseklis has disappeared and the Moon, counting the stars, discovers this. The structure itself is the same as that of the motif of the youngest daughter who is discovered being lost by the mother, coun...
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