Meaning of LING XIAO BAO DIAN in English

[Chinese] The celestial palace where Yu-huang and the main dieties gather to discuss matters involving the subordinate dieties making their reports or the discussion of matters or events taken place from the Heaven above to the Earth below. Supposedly heavily guarded by Tian Bing and Tian Jiang (The heavenly soldiers). The Fair Monkey King (Sun Wu Kong) was being appointed Bi Ma Wen (The Manager of the Stable of the Heaven, which is considered a low-ranked job, even to dieties.) Insulted and angered, he managed to fight his way through all the ranks of dieties all the way to the palace without anyone capable of stopping him. Even Yu-Huang himself is out of ideas. It's not until the Buddha himself came and subdued the enraged Monkey King with his divine powers did peace finally return to the palace (As depicted in the Journey to the West).

Encyclopedia Mythica English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический словарь греческой мифологии.