< language > A functional programming language designed by R.M. Burstall, D.B. MacQueen and D.T. Sanella at University of Edinburgh in 1978. It is a large language supporting user-defined prefix , infix or distfix operators. Hope has polymorphic typing and allows overloading of operators which requires explicit type declarations. Hope has lazy lists and was the first language to use call-by-pattern .
It has been ported to Unix , Macintosh , and IBM PC .
See also Hope+ , Hope+C , Massey Hope , Concurrent Massey Hope .
ftp://brolga.cc.uq.oz.au/pub/hope .
[R.M.Burstall, D.B.MacQueen, D.T.Sanella, "HOPE: An experimental applicative language", Proc. 1980 Lisp conf., Stanford, CA, p.136-143, Aug 1980].
["A HOPE Tutorial", R. Bailey, BYTE Aug 1985, pp.235-258].
["Functional Programming with Hope", R. Bailey, Ellis Horwood 1990].