1. A WWW browser from the University of Kansas for use on cursor-addressable , character cell terminals or terminals emulators under Unix or VMS . Lynx is a product of the Distributed Computing Group within Academic Computing Services of The University of Kansas . Lynx was originally developed by Lou Montulli, Michael Grobe and Charles Rezac. Garrett Blythe created DosLynx and later joined the Lynx effort as well. Foteos Macrides ported much of Lynx to VMS and is now maintaining it.
Version: 2.4-FM (1995-10-25).
Home .
Mailing list: lynx-dev@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu (send "subscribe lynx-dev < your-name >" in the message body to listserv@ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu).
2. Lynx Real-Time Systems .