Pronunciation: ' li ŋ (k)s
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural lynx or lynx · es
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, from Greek; akin to Old English lox lynx and probably to Greek leukos white ― more at LIGHT
Date: 14th century
: any of several wildcats with relatively long legs, a short stubby tail, mottled coat, and often tufted ears that are thought to comprise a distinct genus ( Lynx ) of the cat family or to be part of a genus ( Felis ) that includes the domestic cat and cougar as a : a lynx ( L. lynx ) of northern Europe and Asia b : BOBCAT c : a No. American lynx ( L. canadensis ) distinguished from the bobcat by its larger size, longer tufted ears, and wholly black tail tip ― called also Canadian lynx