< information science > Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-wide Index to Computerized Archives. Veronica offers a keyword search of most gopher menu titles in the entire gopher web. As archie is to FTP archives, Veronica is to Gopherspace . A Veronica search produces a menu of Gopher items, each of which is a direct pointer to a Gopher data source. Because Veronica is accessed through a Gopher Client, it is easy to use, and gives access to all types of data supported by the Gopher protocol .
To try Veronica, select it from the "Other Gophers" menu on Minnesota's gopher server, or point your gopher at:
Name=veronica (search menu items in most of GopherSpace) Type=1 Port=70 Path=1/veronica Host=gopher.scs.unr.edu
gopher://gopher.scs.unr.edu/1/veronica .