I. və-ˈrä-ni-kə noun
Etymology: New Latin, genus of herbs
Date: 1527
: any of a genus ( Veronica ) of annual or perennial herbs of the snapdragon family that have small pink, white, blue or purple flowers with a 4- or 5-lobed calyx, a rotate corolla, two stamens, and the fruit a compressed capsule — compare speedwell
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin, from Veronica, legendary saint of the 1st century A.D.
Date: 15th century
: an image of Christ's face said to have been impressed on the cloth that St. Veronica gave him to wipe his face with on the way to his crucifixion ; also : a cloth resembling the legendary one of St. Veronica
III. noun
Etymology: Spanish verónica, from Saint Veronica
Date: 1926
: a pase in bullfighting in which the cape is swung slowly away from the charging bull while the matador keeps his feet in the same position