transcription, транскрипция: [ breɪs ]
n. & v. --n. 1 a device that clamps or fastens tightly. 2 (in pl.) Brit. straps supporting trousers from the shoulders. 3 a wire device for straightening the teeth. 4 (pl. same) a pair (esp. of game). 5 a rope attached to the yard of a ship for trimming the sail. 6 a a connecting mark { or } used in printing. b Mus. a similar mark connecting staves to be performed at the same time. 1 fasten tightly, give firmness to. 2 make steady by supporting. 3 (esp. as bracing adj.) invigorate, refresh. 4 (often refl.) prepare for a difficulty, shock, etc. øbrace and bit a revolving tool with a D-shaped central handle for boring. øøbracingly adv. bracingness n. [ME f. OF brace two arms, bracier embrace, f. L bra(c)chia arms]