transcription, транскрипция: [ kraud ]
n. & v. --n. 1 a large number of people gathered together, usu. without orderly arrangement. 2 a mass of spectators; an audience. 3 colloq. a particular company or set of people (met the crowd from the sales department). 4 (prec. by the) the mass or multitude of people (go along with the crowd). 5 a large number (of things). 6 actors representing a crowd. --v. 1 a intr. come together in a crowd. b tr. cause to do this. c intr. force one's way. 2 tr. a (foll. by into) force or compress into a confined space. b (often foll. by with; usu. in passive) fill or make abundant with (was crowded with tourists). 3 tr. a (of a number of people) come aggressively close to. b colloq. harass or pressure (a person). øcrowd out exclude by crowding. øøcrowdedness n. [OE crudan press, drive]