transcription, транскрипция: [ dəup ]
n. & v. --n. 1 a varnish applied to the cloth surface of aeroplane parts to strengthen them, keep them airtight, etc. 2 a thick liquid used as a lubricant etc. 3 a substance added to petrol etc. to increase its effectiveness. 4 a sl. a narcotic; a stupefying drug. b a drug etc. given to a horse or greyhound, or taken by an athlete, to affect performance. 5 sl. a stupid person. 6 sl. a information about a subject, esp. if not generally known. b misleading information. --v. 1 tr. administer dope to, drug. 2 tr. Electronics add an impurity to (a semiconductor) to produce a desired electrical characteristic. 3 tr. smear, daub; apply dope to. 4 intr. take addictive drugs. ødope out sl. discover. øødoper n. [Du. doop sauce f. doopen to dip]