transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈfɔ:tʃən ]
n. 1 a chance or luck as a force in human affairs. b a person's destiny. 2 (Fortune) this force personified, often as a deity. 3 (in sing. or pl.) luck (esp. favourable) that befalls a person or enterprise. 4 good luck. 5 prosperity; a prosperous condition. 6 (also colloq. small fortune) great wealth; a huge sum of money. øfortune-hunter colloq. a person seeking wealth by marriage. fortune-teller a person who claims to predict future events in a person's life. fortune-telling the practice of this. make a (or one's) fortune acquire wealth or prosperity. tell a person's fortune make predictions about a person's future. [ME f. OF f. L fortuna luck, chance]