transcription, транскрипция: [ ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃən ]
n. 1 all the people born at a particular time, regarded collectively (my generation; the rising generation). 2 a single step in descent or pedigree (have known them for three generations). 3 a stage in (esp. technological) development (fourth-generation computers). 4 the average time in which children are ready to take the place of their parents (usu. reckoned at about 30 years). 5 production by natural or artificial process, esp. the production of electricity or heat. 6 a procreation; the propagation of species. b the act of begetting or being begotten. øgeneration gap differences of outlook or opinion between those of different generations. øøgenerational adj. [ME f. OF f. L generatio -onis (as GENERATE)]