Meaning of INVEST in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ɪnˈvest ]

v. 1 tr. (often foll. by in) apply or use (money), esp. for profit. 2 intr. (foll. by in) a put money for profit (into stocks etc.). b colloq. buy (invested in a new car). 3 tr. a (foll. by with) provide, endue, or attribute (a person with qualities, insignia, or rank). b (foll. by in) attribute or entrust (qualities or feelings to a person). 4 tr. cover as a garment. 5 tr. lay siege to. øøinvestable adj. investible adj. investor n. [ME f. F investir or L investire investit- (as IN-(2), vestire clothe f. vestis clothing): sense 1 f. It. investire]

English main colloquial, spoken dictionary.      Английский основной разговорный словарь.