I. in-ˈvest transitive verb
Etymology: Latin investire to clothe, surround, from in- + vestis garment — more at wear
Date: circa 1534
[Medieval Latin investire, from Latin, to clothe]
a. : to array in the symbols of office or honor
b. : to furnish with power or authority
c. : to grant someone control or authority over : vest
2. : to cover completely : envelop
3. : clothe , adorn
[Middle French investir, from Old Italian investire, from Latin, to surround]
: to surround with troops or ships so as to prevent escape or entry
5. : to endow with a quality : infuse
II. verb
Etymology: Italian investire to clothe, invest money, from Latin, to clothe
Date: 1613
transitive verb
1. : to commit (money) in order to earn a financial return
2. : to make use of for future benefits or advantages
invest ed her time wisely
3. : to involve or engage especially emotionally
were deeply invest ed in their children's lives
intransitive verb
: to make an investment
• in·vest·able -ˈves-tə-bəl adjective
• in·ves·tor -tər noun