transcription, транскрипция: [ ̘. ̈a.lɪˈdʒɪtɪmɪt ]
adj. & v. --adj. 1 a (of a child) born of parents lawfully married to each other. b (of a parent, birth, descent, etc.) with, of, through, etc., a legitimate child. 2 lawful, proper, regular, conforming to the standard type. 3 logically admissible. 4 a (of a sovereign's title) based on strict hereditary right. b (of a sovereign) having a legitimate title. 5 constituting or relating to serious drama as distinct from musical comedy, revue, etc. 1 make legitimate by decree, enactment, or proof. 2 justify, serve as a justification for. øølegitimacy n. legitimately adv. legitimation n. [med.L legitimare f. L legitimus lawful f. lex legis law]