transcription, транскрипция: [ nʌl ]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 (esp. null and void) invalid; not binding. 2 non-existent; amounting to nothing. 3 having or associated with the value zero. 4 Computing a empty; having no elements (null list). b all the elements of which are zeros (null matrix). 5 without character or expression. --n. a dummy letter in a cipher. ønull character Computing a character denoting nothing, usu. represented by a zero. null hypothesis a hypothesis suggesting that the difference between statistical samples does not imply a difference between populations. null instrument an instrument used by adjustment to give a reading of zero. null link Computing a reference incorporated into the last item in a list to indicate there are no further items in the list. [F nul nulle or L nullus none f. ne not + ullus any]