transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈpenltɪ ]
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a punishment, esp. a fine, for a breach of law, contract, etc. b a fine paid. 2 a disadvantage, loss, etc., esp. as a result of one's own actions (paid the penalty for his carelessness). 3 a a disadvantage imposed on a competitor or side in a game etc. for a breach of the rules etc. b (attrib.) awarded against a side incurring a penalty (penalty kick; penalty goal). 4 Bridge etc. points gained by opponents when a contract is not fulfilled. øpenalty area Football the ground in front of the goal in which a foul by defenders involves the award of a penalty kick. penalty box Ice Hockey an area reserved for penalized players and some officials. the penalty of a disadvantage resulting from (a quality etc.). penalty rate Austral. an increased rate of pay for overtime. under (or on) penalty of under the threat of (dismissal etc.). [AF penalte (unrecorded), F p÷nalit÷ f. med.L penalitas (as PENAL)]