transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈstrɔ:bərɪ ]
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a any plant of the genus Fragaria, esp. any of various cultivated varieties, with white flowers, trifoliate leaves, and runners. b the pulpy red edible fruit of this, having a seed-studded surface. 2 a deep pinkish-red colour. østrawberry blonde 1 pinkish-blonde hair. 2 a woman with such hair. strawberry mark a soft reddish birthmark. strawberry pear 1 a W. Indian cactaceous plant, Hylocereus undatus. 2 the fruit of this. strawberry roan see ROAN(1). strawberry-tree an evergreen tree, Arbutus unedo, bearing strawberry-like fruit. [OE strea(w)berige, streowberige (as STRAW, BERRY): reason for the name unkn.]